We've Moved!

The Office of the University Registrar has moved to the Administration Building, 201 Dowman Drive, Suite 209.  As part of this move, we offer in-person visits by appointment only; however, most of the services we offer are provided through online services, which can be found on this site. 

In the rare event your needs require an in-person visit, please call the following to schedule an appointment:

Non-VA Related:  404-727-6042

VA Related:  404-727-6043

About the University Registrar

The Office of the University Registrar is here to assist with providing academic transcripts, verifying enrollment or degrees, changing biographical information, and replacing diplomas.

For questions regarding registration, graduation, grades, faculty issues, or specific program-related questions, please reach out to your school registrar directly which can be found below under Emory University School Resources.

About Us